
Ninus and Metiochus in the school of rhetoric: the first Greek novels


  • Regla Fernández Garrido



he aim of this paper is to underline the influence of school rhetoric in two passages of Ninus and Parthenope. Ninus' speech in presence of his aunt Derkeia (frag. A of P.Berol. 6926) is analysed from the point of view of the stasis-theory and its most relevant formal features are commented. Metiochus’ refutation of the traditional mythical narrative on Eros (second column of P.Berol.7927) is dealt with the progymnasmatic theory. Moreover, the love-related motifs and the references to the previous literature are highlighted.

Author Biography

Regla Fernández Garrido

Regla Fernández-Garrido is Professor of Greek Philology at the University of Huelva since 2016. Her research has focused on four areas. The first is the neoplatonic commentary and the commentary of Ammonius of Alexandria to the treatise On the Interpretation of Aristotle, which was the subject of her PhD thesis. The second is the syntax of the Greek language from a functional and cognitive perspective. From 1998 onwards, she focused on the genre of the Greek novel, specifically on dreams during the first years; for some years now, her interest has been centred on the rhetorical aspect of the novel, specifically on the influence of preliminary exercises (progymnasmata) and the theory of issues on it. At the moment she is part of the team of a research project on female characterization in papyrus fragments of the Greek novel. Her fourth area of research, related to the previous one, is focused on the Greek rhetoric of the imperial period, specifically the treatise of Hermogenes of Tarsus On Issues and its commentaries.


2021-03-04 — Updated on 2022-05-13



