Announcement for online seminar


We have a new announcement:

You are hereby cordially invited to the online seminar series ‘Novel Echoes: Ethiopian and Babylonian Stories in Byzantium and Beyond’.

See for more information.

Please email for the zoom links.

The programme is as follows (all times are CET):

Thursday 25 March @4pm          

Ben Kruchió (Universität Regensburg): ‘Greek literature between the poles of late antique reading communities: Heliodorus’s Aethiopica and Musaeus’s Hero and Leander

Thursday 1 April @5.30pm          

Silvia Montiglio (Johns Hopkins): ‘The popularity of Heliodorus among Byzantine critics and readers’

Thursday 22 April @4pm             

Ellen Söderblom Saarela (UGent): ‘She must write her self, she did write her self: Hysmine’s voice from within the wrong’

Wednesday 12 May @4pm         

Paolo Brusa (Freie Universität Berlin): ‘From wandering to destitution: a shift in Heliodoran peregrinatio in 17th-century Spain’

Friday 11 June @4pm                   

Nunzio Bianchi (Università degli studi di Bari Aldo Moro): ‘From Babylon to Byzantium: Iamblichus' novel and its reception’